Friday, July 10, 2009

Good For You Sarah!

As most of us probably know, Sarah Palin recently stunned the political world by suddenly announcing her resignation as Governor of Alaska. Of course, this seems like political suicide. After all, who elects a person who quits half way through their job? And yet, for all the things that could go wrong with this decision, I can't help but think that there are many things that could go right.

Firstly, I do believe that her intentions were honorable. If we know one thing about Sarah, it's that she loves Alaska more than anything. I really do believe that she didn't want to put Alaskans through everything everyone put her through and that as a Republican, she would hate to see their tax money go to waste. I think she truly did believe that she would get nothing done and didn't want to waste away in her seat just earning an income.

Secondly, polls have revealed that people will still listen to her. She has no trouble garnering attention from the media and could very well have good enough standing to accomplish something on a national scale (perhaps a charity or something?). She did say that was her intention upon leaving office.

Thirdly, I think she will be much happier now. She's seemed so miserable since the end of election season. I've never seen her more happy in an interview than when she took Good Morning America fishing with her and the family.

Okay, so maybe her political career is over. Like she said, "If I die politically, I die." Maybe there are different things ahead for her. And maybe she was making the right decision not to waste people's money and time just sitting in an office doing nothing. We'll have to see. I say, good for you Sarah! You stuck to your gut and you may still come out on top. And if you don't, at least you'll be happy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

AND he plays soccer!

Ricardo Kaka: Brazilian midfielder and eye candy.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Essay on Life Part 1

I have decided to keep track of my observations and opinions on life. Here is the first part of an essay I've decided to write about them. More to come as it progresses.

I don’t know a lot of things, but I think I try pretty hard to figure things out. Through the course of my lengthy eighteen year life, I have come to several conclusions about life which I think should be paid special attention to.
Number one: If you don’t have something useful to say, don’t say it. Listen up all you Captain Obviouses out there. This one’s for you. The basic criterion for this rule are: Will what you say contribute significantly by adding knowledge or by furthering the conversation? Do people already know what you are about to say by using things known as “senses?” Has someone already made the point that you are about to make, but with different phrasing? Because if so, you should be accused of plagiarism of the mouth. Now, rule #1 was established because of my family and the fact that they hate to follow this rule. Not only have they achieved the Captain Obvious status, they have actually been promoted and are now General Obiviouses. A typical occurance would be something like this. A family gathering. The older cousins sit around jealously watching the younger cousins open mountains of presents. Finally! The presents for us! I open my package to find a nice purple shirt laid amongst the tissue paper. Mom comes over. “Oh my gosh! Honey, it’s purple! Do you see that? Wow purple is my favorite color. That is such a nice shade of purple. Who gave you this? Oh do you see that purple?” At this point, I turn to her and say, “Why yes mother. God has blessed me with this wonderful gift called vision. And since you’ve been on every doctor visit with me since I was born, you should know that I often use it and that I, in fact, am not color blind.” She then responds with a terrible look that would be a slap were we not in public. As you can see, saying that the shirt was purple did not contribute to the conversation whatsoever. Were I not even a little sarcastic in my response, it would have probably been an abrupt, “Why yes. It is purple,” leading the conversation on a bridge to nowhere. Maybe if the conversation was “Oh this is from Gap! I heard they enslave African children to harvest their cotton!” Then maybe we could have gone somewhere with that. Maybe. As you can see, sometimes it is best to say nothing at all. Some people call me quiet. I call myself selective.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bette gives the word "different" a whole new meaning.

Today I had nothing to do so I checked out youtube and in the recommended for me was a Bette Davis interview from 1988 with Larry King. She said something that caught my attention, so I wrote it down.

"If you've never been done as a caricature, you have nothing. You don't have anything definite. You don't have a way of speaking that's different. You don't have mannerisms that are different. Really and truly, I was glad when they characterized me."

I love this quote because it says something about people who are individuals. It may be just what people mean when they talk about the "it" factor. There has to be something different about you to make you noticable. I think she may have unintentionally and wittily described an important factor to success! Now I will take it as even more of a compliment if anyone calls anything I do different.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Facebook Quizzes

I have to admit that I am one of those people who think by taking a random quiz probably created by a bored 15 year old on a Sunday afternoon on Facebook that I will learn something about myself. And indeed I have. Here are some of my favorites:

Were I a mythical creature, I would be a nymph. The thought hadn't occured to me due to their poor portrayal in Hercules.
My true ethnicity is German. This is appropriate because when most people try to guess my heritage, they pick Jewish.
Were I a leading lady on screen, I would be Bette Davis. This is actually my favorite result EVER as I am a tad obsessed with her. It also fits in with another quiz result saying I should have lived in the 40's. This is true.
If I were a Star Trek character, I would be Commander Riker. This is lame for a number of reasons. 1 - I would not even be in the original series. Everyone knows Star Trek: The Next Generation was inferior to the original series. 2 - I would not get any face time with Spock, who is amazing and looks amazing thanks to Zachary Quinto. 3 - I am not a man.
What type of Wellesley Woman am I? Laid Back Chick. Okay fine. You win Facebook.
Well, I completely manipulated the Disney Villain quiz to get Maleficent because she is seriously just the best.
Had I a superpower, it would be telekinesis or telepathy. In all honesty, this would work best in our world. But if we were in the X-men's world, I would feel completely useless. Wolverine tears some guy to shreds and is the hero. Well guess what? He was thinking about tacos before he died. Congratulations.
And last and certainly least, my dream job would apparently be...a teacher. Gag me. If I become a teacher, Lord help those kids and make sure that the yellow pages can refer me to a good, cheap psychiatrist (because everyone knows my salary could not afford a good, expensive one).

At the end of the day, I really hope that I don't give off the aura that I am a German teacher who watches Bette Davis movies all day and secretly wishes she was a nymph. I hope I am a little more interesting than that.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

31 Days of Oscar


Friday, January 9, 2009

Bush Determined to Give Country One Last Horrible Thing to Fix

Jobs lost in 2008: 2.6 million!!!
According to the above website (which I trust, because it's CNN: the apparent most trusted name in news)the annual lost is the biggest since WWII, which if you don't remember was the RECOVERY for the GREAT DEPRESSION. Actually the unemployment rate was better in the late 40's. The unemployment rate has risen to 7.2% up from 6.7% in November.

I like to think of it as a summary of the Bush White House. Let's get our economy (and everything else) in the worst shape possible and then leave it for the next guy to clean up. Nice parting shots Mr. President. No...I give him too much credit. I can't solely blame him because it's not only his fault. But it is easy to do. Anyway...shame on you anyone who was involved in ruining the economy!

And Poor President Obama! Look at what he has to work with! You can tell he really is working very hard. I am not sure about his plan yet. Too many tax cuts too soon? WE have a $1.2 trillion debt. I don't know where all this money is coming from. But he needs support because we need to find a way!